Basic Concepts of Oral Drug Delivery; What you need to know
What I wish I knew when I started many years ago and paid the price for not knowing
Wednesday, July 28, 12pm - 4pm & 5pm - 9pm EDT
Members of the CRS often comment that the Society has helped them in many ways but first and foremost in exposing them to the collective knowledge of its members. Newcomers usually find the first meetings confusing, in particular if they are used to “focused” meetings. As an example, a polymer scientist developing a product that might be useful in the CR context might have little or no knowledge about the physiological conditions his/her polymer might encounter after ingestion. Conversely, a clinician with a problem that may be solved with CR might know little or nothing about materials sciences or CR technologies. This workshop attempts to give an oversight covering the “usual (known to us) unknowns"